Founded in Minnesota in 2012, Blazing Star Gardens grows and sells native plants at our Southern Minnesota farm and Twin Cities native plant sales. We also ship plants to native plant enthusiasts throughout Minnesota and the United States. We are a small family business with a large reach.
Blazing Star Gardens was started by Dustin Demmer as a garden design and landscaping company. While working in the habitat restoration industry, he realized that most people and businesses wanted native plants in their landscaping but also wanted high quality results.
Since then, Blazing Star Gardens has focused on growing high quality native plants for retail customers, while providing free designs and native plant resources that were created for gardeners, by gardeners.
In 2020 we started producing native seed of rare and hard to find prairie species for wholesale customers. We conserve prairie species that have a high risk of disappearing from our landscapes and propagate them to ensure that they survive and spread.
Want to help? We often work with landowners to find and collect seed of certain prairie species. If you have a remnant prairie in Minnesota and have an interest in helping our mission, please contact Dustin at dustin@blazingstargardens.com.
Our mission is to create wildflower gardens and restoration projects that educate and inspire others. Our landscapes are valued for their artistic and ecological designs, thorough installations, and diligent maintenance.
Why Native Plants?
Native plants graced the prairies, wetlands, and woodlands in America before the pioneers arrived. They co-evolved with pollinators, birds, and wildlife—without native plants, many of the species we cherish would slowly cease to exist. We also plant these flowers and grasses because they are attractive and functional. They have the potential to beautify our communities while supporting the butterflies, birds, and bees that need them to survive.